Join the Moor House virtual balloon race

Join our very first virtual balloon race! Just like a real balloon race but all done virtually so environmentally, wildlife and Covid 19 friendly!
Each virtual balloon costs just £3 and you can buy or gift (by purchasing and sending an activation code) as many balloons as you would like – once purchased you can decorate it and customise it ready for the Coronation balloon race which will launch from Westminster Abbey at 12pm on 2nd June.
Track the real time progress of your balloon over the next 7 days and keep your fingers crossed yours will beat the elements and emerge the victor!
The specialist software uses live weather data to determine the progress of each balloon and they can be tracked on Google Maps and satellites once the race has launched.
Simply sign-up (so we know who you are if you win), once you've paid for your balloon you can then name, personalise, and decorate your balloon via your dashboard by choosing the shape, colour, and pattern, plus the helium content and rubber thickness.
Please share our Virtual Balloon Race with your family, friends and colleagues and invite them to support Moor House with the purchase of their balloons.
Your balloon can be in memory of someone special, to celebrate a birthday, an early Father’s Day gift or just for fun to show your support!
NATIONAL STAR PRIZES - for the top 12 balloons travelling the furthest from all charities joining this race:
* 1st prize - £500 cash
* 2nd prize - Apple iPad
* 10 x £10 national book tokens.
MOOR HOUSE PRIZES - for the top 3 Moor House supporters' balloons travelling the furthest in this race:
* 1st prize - £20 Amazon gift card
* 2nd prize - £10 Amazon gift card
* 3rd prize - £5 Amazon gift card.
The vital funds you raise will be allocated to building of the brand-new Therapy Hub at Moor House.
If you have any questions about our Virtual Balloon Race, please get in touch with Tia on 01883 770990 or