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Parent Workshops

1pm-2.45pm unless stated. Lunch 12.30-1pm. 

Please email our admin team if you wish to attend a workshop including the names of attendees, whether you require a buffet lunch and if your child is normally collected by taxi, whether you will be taking them home afterwards (please also inform your taxi company if required).

Please note whilst we endeavour to deliver these workshops, the schedule may be subject to change at any time throughout the year.

School Parent Workshop Programme 2023/24 

15th September - English and Maths Specialist Systems and Strategies

20th October - What is DLD? Help us to celebrate DLD Day 

17th November - Moor House Specialist Systems: An introduction to provision: SHAPE CODINGTM, Makaton, Cued Articulation, Signing with Grammatical Markers

8th December - Postponed - Exam access arrangements and assistive technology

12th January - The Mental Health and Well-being Team: Family and Sibling Workshop

23rd February - Life Skills and Independence (Tree/Compass/Wheel) - practical approaches for supporting students

22nd March - The role of the Specialist Teaching Assistant across the School and College

26th April - Emotional Resilience and Stress Reduction in and outside of school. Supporting social skills at home

17th May - E-Safety and managing screen time at home

College Parent Workshop Programme 2023/24 

13th October - Assistive Technology in KS5

24th November - Supporting Independent Life Skills

8th March - E-Safety and Social Media- CANCELLED

10th May - Healthy Relationships - POSTPONED

7th June - Parent Talks