Research papers on the SHAPE CODING system published

The Moor House Research & Training Institute (MHRTI) is thrilled to have been involved in two papers discussing the SHAPE CODINGTM system which have recently been published in a special issue on Grammar Assessment and Intervention in the journal Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, published by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
MHRTI Director Dr Susan Ebbels contributed to a paper by Balthazar, Ebbels & Zwitserlood (2020) Explicit Grammatical Intervention for Developmental Language Disorder: Three Approaches. This is both a tutorial and evidence summary for the SHAPE CODINGTM system (by Susan Ebbels) and two other similar systems: Metataal (for Dutch by Rob Zwitserlood) and Complex Sentence Intervention (by Catherine Balthazar and Cheryl Scott). The paper makes clear the similarities and differences between the three methods and gives a comprehensive summary of the evidence for each.
One of the papers cited in the evidence summary for the SHAPE CODINGTM system, also appears in the same special issue: Calder, Claessen, Ebbels, & Leitão (2020). Explicit Grammar Intervention in Young School-Aged Children With Developmental Language Disorder: An Efficacy Study Using Single-Case Experimental Design.
Dr Susan Ebbels commented “It is a real pleasure to be involved in supervising Sam Calder in his PhD work at Curtin University in Perth, Australia.
“His investigation into the effectiveness of the SHAPE CODINGTM system in combination with hierarchical cueing for teaching the past tense to children with DLD is not only very relevant to clinicians, but is also part of a very careful and rigorous programme of research.
“This publication is the first of several papers which will hopefully result from his PhD and I hope represents only the beginning of an on-going collaboration with Suze Leitão and Mary Claessen and the many Speech Language Pathologists involved in intervention research at Curtin University”.
Balthazar, C. H., Ebbels, S., & Zwitserlood, R. (2020). Explicit Grammatical Intervention for Developmental Language Disorder: Three Approaches. Language, speech, and hearing services in schools, 51(2), 226-246. doi:10.1044/2019_LSHSS-19-00046 Link
Calder, S. D., Claessen, M., Ebbels, S., & Leitão, S. (2020). Explicit Grammar Intervention in Young School-Aged Children With Developmental Language Disorder: An Efficacy Study Using Single-Case Experimental Design. Language, speech, and hearing services in schools, 51(2), 298-316. doi:10.1044/2019_LSHSS-19-00060 Link