New SHAPE CODING resources released

A new set of intervention steps for level 1 targets have now been released on These provide a detailed guide for professionals on how to develop a child’s understanding and use of 54 different grammatical targets.
The new steps are available to anyone who has signed up to our online SHAPE CODINGTM part 1 course.
The SHAPE CODINGTM system, developed at Moor House by Dr Susan Ebbels, uses a visual coding system to show the rules for how words are put together in sentences, to develop a child’s understanding and use of grammar.
The intervention steps for the 14 foundation level targets, released last year, remain FREE to download.
To find out more and access these resources go to the SHAPE CODINGTM system website, where you can also get a FREE 2-week trial of the SHAPEC CODINGTM App.