Talk DLD with a cup of tea

Moor House parents and carers are invited to join us to ‘Talk about DLD with a cup of tea’ on Friday 20th October as part of our parent workshop programme and to celebrate international Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day.
The theme this year is ‘DLD around the world’ and, following some tea and cake, our Research & Training Institute team will talk about What DLD is, and present ‘DLD and Me’ – a programme which aims to help children and young people with DLD understand their strengths, what DLD is and how they can support their own communication in everyday life.
Please see the programme below and note the slightly earlier start time for this workshop.
12.00pm - Lunch
12.30pm - What is DLD?
1.00pm - PSA
1.15pm - Talk about DLD with a cup of tea (and cake!)
1.45pm – A college student's perspective
2.00pm - DLD And Me – a programme to help children and young people with DLD understand their strengths, what DLD is and how they can support their own communication in everyday life.
2.45pm Finish
You are invited to bring along one guest to find out more about DLD. Maybe your child's grandparent, uncle, childminder or sports coach.
Please email our admin team if you wish to attend this workshop including the names of attendees, whether you require a buffet lunch and if your child is normally collected by taxi, whether you will be taking them home afterwards (please also inform your taxi company if required).
We hope you will be able to join us.