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Future Pathways

We aim to provide our students with options and ideas of pathways they might like to consider when leaving and transitioning from Moor House College (MHC).

Transition support

We understand that moving on from Moor House is a big step for our students, and we aim to provide as much support as possible throughout this transition.

A Pathway Booklet and Local Authority Offer will be sent to parents during the Autumn term of a student's final year with us, in preparation for the Annual Review and also to help students/parents and carers when starting to explore their options.

Students, parents/carers and the local authority are then invited to a 'Next Steps' meeting in the Spring term to discuss the transition and support required to make it successful.


Are you considering College?

Are you considering University?

Are you considering Apprenticeships?

Are you considering employment?
Useful sites

Some helpful information and tools to use to explore the options available.